Why do Corporations
choose LeverID?

Post-Quantum Capable Design

The advent of quantum computing brings new security challenges. With this in mind, LeverID has been tailored to feature quantum capability.

Enhanced Employee Onboarding

Providing employees from different countries with single authentication and controlled access to relevant information and documentation.


Attack-Tolerant and Reliable

LeverID features distributed private key implementation, ensuring no service breaks and reliable defense against threats.

Flexible & Scalable

Whether your company employs 10 or 10 million, is domestic or global, our solution scales effortlessly to meet your demands.

Data Security & Ownership

Employee data is securely stored and managed in-line with GDPR regulations, and is protected from unscrupulous access.

Universal Login

Enable employees access to different company services and platforms using one universal login.

Ease of Integration

Being technically documented, ease of integration is enabled through API or a software development kit (SDK) for clients wishing to integrate LeverID.

Mobile-First Design

Designed with mobile users in mind, our solution allows our users to effortlessly authenticate and sign from anywhere in the world.

Who can benefit from LeverID?

The processess of different business verticals vary, however they all require some form of authentication and accountability. LeverID provides a universal platform to deliver these benefits.

The application of LeverID extends far beyond the business verticals shown.

Compatible with today’s signature standards

LeverID is compatible with technologies and applications that require RSA and EdDSA verifiable digital signatures, allowing for trustworthy employee authentication.

Prevent Malicious Activity

Organizations of all sizes can be targeted and fall victim to impersonation crimes due to improper identity verification processes. LeverID helps you minimize the risk of malicious activity in your corporation.

Based on Patent-Pending Technology

LeverID is based on patent-pending technology, thereby forging the path for new industry standards, as well as yielding sustainability.

Explore how your business
can reap the benefits of LeverID

To learn more about how LeverID could serve your needs, please reach out using the button below.

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